10 Tips for Less Impulse during Sales Weeks

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Amazon Prime Big Deal Days. Target Circle Week. Walmart Deals.

It feels like every major retailer is trying to market to us all week. It feels like Pre-Black Friday, which is just right around the corner too. 

And if you follow other financial creators, there are lots of opinions on shop or don’t shop. Or you need this or you don’t need that.

What I need to live my life and what you need to live your life are two very different things. There are too many factors for me to say that you don’t need something or you do need something.

But my opinion is that personal finance is personal and only you can decide what is a need for you.

My ask: Intentional shopping over impulse shopping.

My goal with my page is always INTENTIONAL over impulse shopping. If you have the budget, you have a plan, and you get what you need, I am so excited for you!

Here are 10 tips for sticking to your budget during these big sales

1) Have a List

Make your list BEFORE you open the apps to browse what’s on sale. Make the list based on what you need and not what is on sale. Do not even open the apps until you have made your list of things you want to get. Look through your “I didn’t buy” list if you have one! But we are not browsing the sales to “see what we need”

2)  Unsubscribe or Delete Apps

Remove yourself from the email lists, turn off the app notifications, or just delete the app all together if you are trying not to shop! Turning off the temptation to even look is far more helpful than trying to ignore the temptation all week long! 

3) Limit your social media

A ton of people will be sharing their sales hauls. Influencers will be linking to “their favorite things.”  Be mindful of what you knew you needed BEFORE seeing what someone else got. There might be some things that you find that you want and that is okay. Just be aware of where your influence is coming from.

4) There will be other sales.

Sales are designed to make you feel like this is THE LOWEST PRICE EVER! But remember, that there will always be another chance for an item on sale when you actually have it in your budget. We know that this is not the last sale. Heck, it isn’t even the last sale of this year. Put it in your budget and THEN watch for sales on that item after you have saved up for it.

5) Declutter a space in your home

I always notice that when I declutter or deep clean when I want to buy, I realize how much I actually have already. That desire to spend fades when I take time to appreciate what I already have. When I see the closet full of stuff that I felt like I “needed” at that time, but don’t get as much use out of it as I thought, it helps me think about my purchases a little more.

6) Focus on your WHY

Are you sick of me saying this yet? When working on big money goals, being clear on what you want in the future can make the what you want now less desirable. “Is this item getting me closer or farther from my goals?”  Knowing what you want in the future helps you decide if you are willing to wait for the future for this purchase. Sometimes the answer is yes. Or sometimes it aligns with your future. But this makes it more intentional.

7) Put that money towards your money goal

Take the money that you would spend on that item, and put it towards your goal. If you feel like you have the money to buy something, do you have the money to put towards your goal? This really only works if it isn’t going on a credit card, but would you rather buy this thing or put money towards debt or savings?

8) Can I get this item secondhand? For cheaper?

Before you go dropping money on something, I want you to think through this:

  • If I am only going to use it a few times, can I borrow it?
  • If I really do want it, can I get it secondhand for cheaper than a sale?

If the answer is yes to either of these, consider going that direction first.

9) Give yourself some grace

Companies spend BILLIONS of dollars on marketing (psychology) research to try to get you to spend money. They use the brains functions against the consumer to get people to buy. You aren’t going to “win” every time.

10) Readjust your budget

If you already went over budget and saw this too late.. How are you going to readjust your budget?

  • Are you going to cut from another budget category?
  • Can you side hustle to cover the purchase?


The goal of this post is not to shame anyone for buying anything. If you can take advantage of the sale to get ahead on holiday shopping. Or if you have been waiting all year to buy something for it to be on sale. I want you to go for it and without guilt. However, I want you to be intentional with the purchases you made.

If you want to be more intentional with your spending, my No Spend Guide is filled with tips and tricks to spend more intentionally and work on your money goals while still enjoying life along the way! You can get it here!


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