My Journey Towards Minimalism: Getting Rid of My Clutter

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Clutter is kind of a way of life. But what happens when you finally move most of your stuff out of your parents house and realize you have no place to put it? When you are moving and your find stuff that you haven't seen since you last moved? Here is my new journey towards getting rid of that stuff!

I come from a family with a mild case of hoarding. I love the sentimental things that I own. Clutter is kind of a way of life. But what happens when you finally move most of your stuff out of your parents house and realize you have no place to put it? When you are moving and your find stuff that you haven’t seen since you moved?

My mom will be the first to tell you how hard I am on her about all of the stuff we have accumulated since we moved into that house sixteen years ago.  When my grandma announced that we were having Thanksgiving at my mom’s house, I took it upon myself to use that as an excuse to clean their house. We started with the clutter in the kitchen closet, otherwise known as the “closet of doom.” The closet wasn’t necessarily as bad as I thought, but we found stuff from my childhood. My Easy Bake Oven was buried in the back of the closet. It was an adventure. An adventure that my mom even wrote about in the local paper.

After spending the holiday season helping my parents clean their house, I was amazed to come home and realize that I am slowly on the same path as my parents.

During the Christmas season, I watched the Netflix Documentary, Minimalism. I came home ready to get rid of everything I owned. My bed moved and I started pulling anything and everything out of my closet. I found so many things that I had kept for absolutely no reason at all. Clutter filled my entire room, closet, and office space.

Meanwhile, I had already been reading the book Money Can Buy Happiness and It’s Cheap by Tammy Strobel which I bought on Amazon out of pure curiosity. What started out as simple downsizing, became their way of live. They went from a house to an apartment, getting rid of a majority of their stuff along the way. Tammy and her husband now live in a “Tiny Home” in Oregon.

I don’t really want a tiny home, but I dread moving my stuff again.

Just a few weeks ago, I was renting a 3 bed +1 nonconforming/ 3 bath duplex with 3 other people. As my roommate and I were looking for our next place, we talked about wanting a 3 bedroom apartment for the two of us so we could have an office space. I desperately wanted a separate place for my writing like I had at the house. We looked and looked, but we fell in love with the most perfect two bedroom apartment in North Lincoln. Everything was either super ugly, not in a convenient location, or crazy expensive. While I am super excited about our new apartment, I am buying a house before I move again. I am not moving again until it is permanent.

I knew there needed to be a change as we downsized.

As I got ready to move, I slowly started getting rid of stuff. I started sorting out boxes of stuff that I could part with. Unfortunately, even after
moving, I still have about 4 boxes of stuff that I need to get rid of. There is so much that is still good that I don’t want to just throw it away. I am currently working on selling the stuff on some of our local Facebook For Sale Pages. I am sure that I am also driving my roommate crazy with the stuff that is slowly getting unpacked as I decide whether I want it or not.

For the first time in, well I am pretty sure forever, all of my books are sitting on one bookshelf! They are organized and color coded, which makes me excited!

While I am nowhere close to where I want to be, getting rid of stuff is so calming. As my debt free journey continues, so will my clutter free journey! I can’t wait to see where I will be by the end of this journey! Money Can Buy Happiness and It’s Cheap and Minimalist changed the way I look at the stuff that I own. I don’t need nearly as much stuff as I currently own! That is all about to change!

Look for my post next week about how the steps I took to get rid of a TON of stuff!


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