How I Gain Over 1000 Instagram Followers a Month With Little Effort!

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Most bloggers say that most of their traffic comes from Pinterest, but I would say that a majority of my traffic comes from Instagram. I have connected with people who are in the same boat as I am. It is fun to be able to personally follow someone else’s daily journey.

Recently I have gotten a ton of followers that have told me that they absolutely love my Instagram. People have told me that I inspire them with the things that I post.. I have also had a steady gain of followers. My number followers on Instagram is not outrageously high, but I’ve only been active for about 4 months and its almost at 3000 followers! (Update: At one year, I am sitting at over 12,000 followers!)Do you love Instagram, but struggle to get followers, especially ones that actually talk back? Here are a few tips to get the most out of your Insta!

How I gain over 1000 Followers a Month on Instagram

Have a great introduction

Every few weeks, I post “my story” with a cute selfie of me. As I gain followers, I want them to know who I am and why each day of my journey matters. I want them to be able to personally connect what I am posting on a regular basis. I tell my whole story every other week. Make it something that people totally understand and can relate with.

Making your Instagram more than just promoting your business is a sure way to get your followers to actually respond to your post! It is a surefire way to get the most out of your page!

Be genuine and real

I post things about my business that are pretty personal. Since my blogging niche is finance, I find different ways to measure how I am doing on my Debt Free Journey. My Instagram shows when I am have bad days. I can’t count the number of times that I talk about quitting my second job because I am so tired of working the crazy hours! It also shows the really great days. I always share my most exciting news with Instagram first!

Share your goals

I am always posting my goals on my page. It is so easy to see what other people are doing in their life by sharing their goals. I post my weekly goals every single Monday and try to follow up with how I did at the end of the week. My monthly goals are up on the first and reviewed halfway through the month. I try to post the results of my monthly goals close to the end of the month as well! One of my goals is to always gain followers! When I hit a big number, I always screenshot my Instagram and thank my followers!

Post regularly

Consistency is the key to any kind of success. If you are only posting on your page once a week, you aren’t going to gain followers. There are a ton of different numbers out there that work to build your numbers, but find out what works for you. I personally post 3-4 times a day with different types of posts. I use a combination of photos that I take, graphics that I make in PicCollage, and sharing my blog posts!

If you can’t post regularly, Tailwind offers scheduling for Instagram. It works out so great for weeks that I know I am going to be super busy. I personally have only used it a few times, but it works so well and it is super easy to use!

Comment on other Instagram Accounts

Interacting with other accounts is a great way to gain followers because not only is that person now looking at your page, anyone who agrees or disagrees with you is also going to your page. My daily goal is to comment on 5-10 pages that I follow and 5-10 that I don’t follow. When you are continually commenting on other pages, people are linking it back to your page to see what you are doing. If you really like what someone is posting, make sure to let them know!

Follow Other People

I don’t follow a 1 for 1 ratio but I usually will look through the main page or search some of my favorite hashtags to see who else is using them. If people are regularly commenting on my pages, I will follow them back. I try to follow 5-10 new people a day. This opens up new relationships with people that are on your page! I follow about 700 and currently have about 3000 followers.

Before I follow anyone, I will check out their links in their bio as well as their content that they post! I only follow people with great pages and encouraging posts because I don’t have time for that negativity in my life! I also don’t like spamming accounts, so I don’t mess around with that!


I use hashtags on every single post. I actually have some popular hashtags that I have written in a note on my phone. Every time I post on Instagram, I go to the note to copy and paste those hashtags. Do a Google Search for popular hashtags in your niche. Using hashtags will get you onto the popular or top posts if it is good enough, which gets your page more views. Check out what other people are using for theirs.

Repost/ Shoutouts

This is probably one of my favorite things to do. I use the Repost App to post great things that other people post! It is super important that you tag other people in these posts because if you are tagging them, they will likely tag you in their posts. Lately, I have seen some people who are posting their weekly favorite Instagram accounts! Tagging other people can ensure that people will tag you back. I have recently been told that because I reposted one of their pictures, it totally made their day.


However you decide to use your Instagram, enjoy it. I don’t look at it as a chore to post things or comment on other people’s pages. I love communicating and asking other people questions. It has definitely taken a lot of consistent work (and a good chunk of my data), but it is something I truly enjoy doing in my business!

If you haven’t started your blog yet, what are you waiting for?! Check out my blog post on How to Start Your Blog TODAY! or head on over to Siteground to start your blog for less than $4 a month! Think about it, that is really just one less coffee a month and it is definitely worth it!


  1. Awesome info! Thanks for sharing I’m going to implement these things and I’ll let you know what kind of success it brings me!

    • thesavvysagittarius

      I would love to hear how it works for you! Good luck!

  2. Bob

    What’s your Opinion about purchasing some Instagram followers and likes to growing an account?

    • thesavvysagittarius

      I don’t thing that it is worth it! Growing an authentic audience is far better than paying someone to like your stuff. Long term, more people are likely to click on your links and as a business, buy your products if they are an authentic follower. Followers don’t always equal income.

  3. Great tips! I mostly focus on Pinterest because that’s where a lot of bloggers get the majority of their traffic from, but I find Pinterest so frustrating. It’s nice to know that it actually is possible to get traffic from Instagram because I love using Instagram. Thanks for these tips!

    • thesavvysagittarius

      I use for my Instagram bio so you can put a few more links than just one link in your bio! It helps create a resource guide for thing things you mention regularly in your posts instead of only being able to have one link there! I wish you the best of luck!

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