Free family friendly things to do are sometimes hard to find. During my No Spend Challenge, I am attempting to come up with multiple things that make not spending money easier. Do you have a favorite that isn't on this list?

37 Free Things To Do Instead of Spending Money

Free family friendly things to do are sometimes hard to find. During my No Spend Challenge, I am attempting to come up with multiple things that make not spending money easier. Do you have a favorite that isn't on this list?



I have officially started my No Spend Month and free things have become my best friend! It is already a little harder than I expected, but I know it will be great!  It definitely requires more organization and planning than I am used to! Especially working two jobs some days, I diligently pack the night before to make sure I have the things that I need for the entire day. I know that I am working most of the month, so I will not have a whole lot of time to be bored, but if you are completing a No Spend Month (Or even just a weekend!) there are a ton of great things to do with your time. During a No Spend Time, you don’t have to sit and be miserable!

I encourage you to do things that you don’t get to do very often and make the most of you time! Don’t sit around thinking about the things you could be doing if you were spending money! The more you find to do that is fun, the less you will think about spending money!